
The mixitup.Mixer class is extended with the following methods relating to the Pagination extension.

For the full list of methods, please refer to the MixItUp core documentation.


.paginate(page [, animate] [, callback])

Type Name Description
@param number, string, object, HTMLElement page

A page number, string ('next', 'prev'), HTML element reference, or command object.

@param boolean [animate]

An optional boolean dictating whether the operation should animate, or occur syncronously with no animation. true by default.

@param function [callback]

An optional callback function to be invoked after the operation has completed.

@return Promise.<mixitup.State> A promise resolving with the current state object.

Changes the current page and/or the current page limit.

Example 1: Changing the active page

console.log(mixer.getState().activePagination.page); // 1

    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(mixer.getState().activePagination.page === 2); // true

Example 2: Progressing to the next page

console.log(mixer.getState().activePagination.page); // 1

    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(mixer.getState().activePagination.page === 2); // true

Example 3: Starting a page from an abitrary "anchor" element

var anchorEl = mixer.getState().show[3];

    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(mixer.getState().activePagination.anchor === anchorEl); // true
        console.log(mixer.getState().show[0] === anchorEl); // true

Example 4: Changing the page limit

var anchorEl = mixer.getState().show[3];

console.log(mixer.getState().activePagination.limit); // 8

   limit: 4
    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(mixer.getState().activePagination.limit === 4); // true

Example 5: Changing the active page and page limit

   limit: 4,
   page: 2
    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(mixer.getState().activePagination.page === 2); // true
        console.log(mixer.getState().activePagination.limit === 4); // true


Type Name Description
@return Promise.<mixitup.State> A promise resolving with the current state object.

A shorthand for .paginate('next'). Moves to the next page.

Example: Moving to the next page

console.log(mixer.getState().activePagination.page); // 1

    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(mixer.getState().activePagination.page === 2); // true


Type Name Description
@return Promise.<mixitup.State> A promise resolving with the current state object.

A shorthand for .paginate('prev'). Moves to the previous page.

Example: Moving to the previous page

console.log(mixer.getState().activePagination.page); // 5

    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(mixer.getState().activePagination.page === 4); // true