
The mixitup.Mixer class is extended with API methods relating to the MultiFilter extension.

For the full list of API methods, please refer to the MixItUp core documentation.


.parseFilterGroups([animate] [, callback])

Type Name Description
@param boolean [animate]

An optional boolean dictating whether the operation should animate, or occur syncronously with no animation. true by default.

@param function [callback]

An optional callback function to be invoked after the operation has completed.

@return Promise.<mixitup.State> A promise resolving with the current state object.

Traverses the currently active filters in all groups, building up a compound selector string as per the defined logic. A filter operation is then called on the mixer using the resulting selector.

This method can be used to programmatically trigger the parsing of filter groups after manipulations to a group’s active selector(s) by the .setFilterGroupSelectors() API method.

Example: Triggering parsing after manually selecting all checkboxes in a group

var checkboxes = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.my-group > input[type="checkbox"]'));

checkboxes.forEach(function(checkbox) {
    checkbox.checked = true;


.setFilterGroupSelectors(groupName, selectors)

Type Name Description
@param string groupName

The name of the filter group as defined in the markup via the data-filter-group attribute.

@param string, Array.<string> selectors

A single selector string, or multiple selector strings as an array.

@return void

Programmatically sets one or more active selectors for a specific filter group and updates the group’s UI.

Because MixItUp has no way of knowing how to break down a provided compound selector into its component groups, we can not use the standard .filter() or toggleOn()/toggleOff() API methods when using the MultiFilter extension. Instead, this method allows us to perform multi-dimensional filtering via the API by setting the active selectors of individual groups and then triggering the .parseFilterGroups() method.

If setting multiple active selectors, do not pass a compound selector. Instead, pass an array with each item containing a single selector string as in example 2.

Example 1: Setting a single active selector for a "color" group

mixer.setFilterGroupSelectors('color', '.green');


Example 2: Setting multiple active selectors for a "size" group

mixer.setFilterGroupSelectors('size', ['.small', '.large']);



Type Name Description
@param string groupName

The name of the filter group as defined in the markup via the data-filter-group attribute.

@return void

Returns an array of active selectors for a specific filter group.

Example: Retrieving the active selectors for a "size" group

mixer.getFilterGroupSelectors('size'); // ['.small', '.large']